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We offer 2 convenient methods
Delivery Timelines:
To Major Centres:
We will get your order to you as quick as possible, without sacrificing quality and accuracy. When you place your order, we notify the warehouse for processing, manufacturing and shipping. We do not process orders on weekends, so orders placed on Friday or over the weekend are not processed until early the following week.
Road Freight (Economy) | Major Centres Local Area’s | Delivery effective within 2 to 3 working days. Transit times vary by Major Centre. |
Regional Area’s | Delivery effective within 3 to 5 working days. Transit times vary by major centre. | |
Sameday Express (SDX & LSX) | Major Centres Local Area’s | Lodged on the first available flight, delivery within 90min of touchdown in major centres and 90min after collection in Local Area’s. |
Regional Area’s | Only done if specific arrangements are made in writing as a surcharge is applicable per km round trip. | |
Local Sameday Economy (LSE) | Local Centres only | The collection is delivered by 17:00 on the same day as collection. |
Overnight Courier (OVN & LOX) | Major Centres Local Area’s | Delivery effective by 11:00 the next business day. If a Saturday or Public Holiday service is required the waybill must be clearly marked. |
Regional Area’s | Within 24 to 48 hours unless special arrangements have been made. |
Your Inspirit item can be returned within 30 days of receiving your original order, the item must be unused and in its original condition and packaging.
If you would like to return your Inspirit Inspirations item for a refund, please contact us at
Once we’ve received your unused item, we’ll refund you the amount of the original purchase, excluding any delivery costs. The refund will automatically be issued to the card you used to place the original order. This typically takes 5 working days in the ZA, dependent on your bank/card issuer.
If you feel your Inspirit Inspirations item has developed a fault, please email us at
All Inspirit Inspirations items are sold with a 2 year warranty cover, against possible defects in materials and craftsmanship. The bag is only covered under the warranty with a valid proof of original ownership, product info, indicating the date and location of purchase.
Once we receive your item, we will inspect it and if we are happy it is defective in materials or workmanship, we will repair the items at our expense and return it to you free of charge.
This is of course subject to the item being within our 2 year guarantee.
The Return of the repair will be the customer’s responsibility until it reaches us.. If we are unable to repair your item, we reserve the right to replace it with the same or similar product.